Desktop App Release v4.3.1

The Desktop App v4.3.1 was released on February 9th, 2023. After all of the bug fixes in the previous release, the app was in a fairly stable state. This allowed us to spend our time in this release targeting some of the more common NFC tag reading bugs, as well as some general fixes to make the app experience smoother.


The following are new and improved features for the Desktop App. If you would like to see a specific addition to the Desktop App, request a feature.

  • The GoToTags Desktop App public GitLab is now active! This is the first place to go if you find a bug, have a question or are wondering about a feature. We will keep it up to date with information about:
    • Known incidents
    • Proposed features
    • Community bug reports
    • Hardware documentation

Bug Fixes

The following are new bug fixes in the Desktop App. If you find a bug in the Desktop App, submit a bug report.

  • When an NFC reader was unplugged while tag reading was active, it would show a confusing low-level Winscard error. Now the app will handle this gracefully and deactivate tag reading if there are no more active readers left.
  • For some Windows users, if only one NFC reader was detected by the app and the reader was unplugged, the app would crash saying the Smart Card service had shutdown. We fixed this and are now dealing with the Smart Card service behind the scenes.
  • More service errors were seen by some Windows users when the app tried to shutdown Certificate Propegation. We did some background work on this, so as long as the app is given permission to shut down the service, there should be no problems.